Humber College

Digital Communications, Bachelor of

Bachelor Degree

Humber’s Bachelor of Digital Communications degree program explores the dynamic media environment and the cultural, social, economic and political implications of digital innovation. Communications studies are becoming recognized as one of the most significant social sciences in the 21st century. Increasingly, worldviews are shaped through messages received from television, film, the internet, social media and a host of media arts, with profound impacts on how the world and the self are viewed. The construction of everyday lives and identities are negotiated through digital media and social networks which influence how we live, the products we produce and consume, and how we connect.
This program is rigorous and innovative, developing digital storytellers who are skilled in writing, visual communication, web applications and social media. You will build business acumen while working in an environment where creative ideas and methods cross-pollinate. As you gain technical competency, you will collaborate and innovate with peers, faculty and visitors, building personal communication and networking skills. Intensive lectures and labs provide direction and practical experience, sharpening technical skills and stimulating critical discourse, using student work as a starting point. Access to equipment and computing spaces enables reflective and collaborative project work. Historical, legal, ethical and theoretical considerations are built into the creative process.
As part of the program, you will take courses that deepen your awareness of your roles as a citizen conscious of the social, political, environmental and cultural contexts of your work. As a senior student in this program, you will specialize in advanced communication theory and techniques. A culminating capstone project showcases your abilities and learning and serves as a platform for launching a career in social media co-ordination and management, digital content creation, media relations and many other mass communications fields. Graduates may also choose to further their studies at the master’s level.

Program Duration:
8 semesters
Work Integrated Learning:
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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