Humber College

Child and Youth Care

Advanced Diploma

Humber’s Child and Youth Care advanced diploma program prepares you to promote the optimal development of children, youth and their families. Students develop skills in assessing needs, designing and implementing programs and planned environments, and using daily life events to support and facilitate positive change. The program provides foundational knowledge in infant, child and adolescent development; child and youth care relational practice principles; family dynamics; evidence-based or evidence-informed intervention strategies; group dynamics; cultural humility; and therapeutic activities.
You will learn that an essential component of professional practice is self-awareness with many courses emphasizing self-reflection and the classroom being a professional practice environment. Your high energy level and emotional maturity will help you meet the demands of working with children and youth with complex needs.
Our program is delivered by award-winning faculty, renowned in their field, with current, relevant experience and advanced degrees. A key feature of the program is its therapeutic play lab fostering experiential learning.

Program Duration:
6 semesters
Work Integrated Learning:
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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