Algonquin College

Applied Nuclear Science and Radiation Safety


Learn how to survey, monitor and control radiation exposure for a career in the nuclear industry.
The two-year Applied Nuclear Science and Radiation Safety Ontario College Diploma program is the only program of its kind in Canada. In this program, you learn to monitor radiation levels and implement preventive measures critical to ensuring the safety of employees and members of the public, and providing for protection of the environment.
Learn to effectively complete important tasks focusing on radiation safety, such as detecting and measuring radiation levels, mitigating contamination hazards and providing guidance and information to personnel to control contamination and minimize radiation exposure.
Gain theoretical and practical understanding of nuclear operations fundamentals, radiation detection and measurement, instrumentation and techniques, waste management, contamination and decontamination procedures, and incident assessments. Your courses focus on regulatory frameworks and compliance with internationally accepted radiation protection principles.
Learn from nuclear industry professionals who have years of experience. This program benefits from a partnership between Algonquin College and Bruce Power, Ontario`s largest private electricity generating company.
Benefit from the opportunity to complete industry-recognized certifications in this program.
Students also have the option to gain real-world experience through a paid co-operative education (co-op) work term (see Additional Information for more details). Please note that places in the co-op work term are subject to availability and academic eligibility. Please note admission to the co-op program does not guarantee a co-op placement.
Graduates may find employment in:

nuclear power plants
nuclear-based research and development facilities
decontamination/waste storage facilities
uranium mines/mills
radiation protection contract companies
isotope production/refinement facilities
hospitals that use radioisotopes
universities with radiological labs
the oil and gas industry concerned with naturally-occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) management
Graduates may work in roles such as:

contamination monitor
radiation protection technician
radiation surveyor
health physics technician
NORMs technician
This program is well-suited for students who:

Perform well both individually and in a team environment.
Possess strong critical-thinking and analytical skills.
Use systematic approaches to problem-solve and to follow procedures.
Have an appreciation for precise and accurate work.
Possess excellent communication skills and interpersonal abilities.
Possess strong mathematical skills.
Value the importance of and take responsibility for safety in the workplace.

Program Duration:
2 Years
Work Integrated Learning:
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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