Humber College

International Business, Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor Degree

Humber’s Bachelor of Commerce - International Business degree program will help you develop the knowledge and applied skills you need to carve out a career not only in a multinational company but also in nimble, fast-paced small- and medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurial ventures that are open to the outside world. Our program combines a balanced approach to teaching business featuring case studies, problem solving, modelling and data analytics in support of decision-making. Course content, skill-building activities, writing and applied projects maintain a strong focus on the three major pillars of international business: marketing, finance and operations.
Our program starts with a foundation of business studies in areas such as consumer behaviour, micro and macroeconomics, finance and accounting, law, marketing, and operations management. Specialization courses in international business will give you the opportunity to acquire practical skills through applied projects such as creating a full business and strategic plan to launch a business in an external market. You will gain experience developing processes from concept through to execution. Examples of specialization courses include Intercultural Communications, International Finance, Supply Chain Management, International Logistics, International Marketing, International Trade Law and Strategic Business Analytics.
You will learn from experienced professors and a network of industry professionals who provide feedback and evaluation on industry projects, culminating with the final semester program capstone course International Business Project. In that capstone course, you will work with a real-world business enterprise and develop a comprehensive international business expansion plan for them.

Program Duration:
8 semesters
Work Integrated Learning:
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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