Humber College

Fashion Management, Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor Degree

If you are interested in the business side of fashion and management courses tailored specifically to the fashion industry, then Humber’s Bachelor of Commerce – Fashion Management degree program may be a fit for you.
Our program starts with a foundation of business studies in areas such as organizational behaviour, law, economics, finance and accounting, marketing, and operations management. Specialized courses in the fashion management curriculum include twentieth-century fashion history, trend forecasting, retail and wholesale management, brand management, store planning and merchandising, global sourcing, and retail finance.
Students gain practical skills through applied projects during which they develop processes and products from the idea stage through to execution. Students will also develop business plans and apply classroom learning in fashion industry analysis, financial management and e-commerce assignments that simulate the latest challenges in the fashion industry.
Several third- and fourth-year classes are delivered in Humber’s Fashion Institute.

Program Duration:
8 semesters
Work Integrated Learning:
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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