Humber’s Police Foundations diploma program, offered on a full-time and online part-time basis, enjoys an excellent reputation within the criminal justice community.
Our program’s curriculum, developed with the insights and expertise of members of the college’s Police Foundations Advisory Committee, ensures you’ll gain the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in a justice related career. Students engage in courses that cover criminology, the criminal code and the Canadian criminal justice system, youth criminal justice, contemporary social and community issues, policing protocols and powers, ethics and strategies, mental health and addictions, conflict management, Canadian border services, and sociology and psychology. In addition, instruction in fitness and lifestyle management will teach you about the importance of health and wellness, as well as the fitness component of the Constable Selection Process.
Your professors, who have work experience in the justice, policing, public safety and community service sector, will help you graduate with a range of security, problem-solving and administrative skills, and with a commitment to social justice and service to your community.
Graduates of the program will be subject to all requirements of the Ontario Constable Selection Process and local police requirements when applying for a position as a police constable in Ontario.
While the program does not offer a work placement, self-initiated community service opportunities will be made available to help broaden your understanding of the role of justice services within the community at large. In Semester 4, students have the option to apply for the opportunity to participate in the Career Mentorship Program. Selected students will be matched to an expert working in the field of policing. Upon successful completion of the Career Mentorship Program, students will be awarded recognition on their co-curricular record. This is an optional component of the program.
The Police Foundations program is also offered part time.