Fanshawe College

Fine Art Foundation - FAF1


As a student pursuing your fine art foundation certificate, you’ll participate in studio-based projects and develop a portfolio of work in your chosen media. You’ll also be given essential instruction in art history from Ancient times through the French Revolution, all the way to the First World War. In addition to strong theoretical training, you’ll also develop valuable written and verbal communication skills as part of your fine arts training. With its emphasis on professionalism in a design workplace, the fine art certificate course will help you prepare to meet the needs of arts employers and the communities they serve. If you decide to progress with your studies, the fine art certificate courses will be excellent training for entering year two of Fanshawe’s in-depth three-year Fine Art advanced diploma program. If you choose to move directly into the working world, the certificate will prepare you to seek entry-level positions such as gallery attendant or artistic assistant. Fine Art Foundation is a one-year certificate program designed to give a broad base of experience and knowledge in the visual arts. This foundation year introduces students to the fundamentals of art and design: practical skills, critical thinking and visual vocabulary. Studies in this program include painting, drawing, video, sculpture, photography and art history. Through studio based projects students will develop a portfolio of work in a range of media. This program prepares students for the Advanced Diploma program in Fine Art at Fanshawe College, or advanced arts programs at other institutions, as well as prepares students who are seeking entry-level employment opportunities requiring fundamental visual arts skills.

Program Duration:
30 weeks
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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