Learn workplace-ready programming languages and practical applications to use wherever your career takes you.
The two-year Computer Programming Ontario College Diploma program prepares you for a career in software development. The program also specializes in program development strategies (using object-oriented modelling), database design and database administration.
Use leading industry software products such as Oracle and CASE tools. Learn about programming languages such as Java, COBOL, SQL and PHP. Study object-oriented analysis and design, operating systems and coding in integrated environments, and learn how to debug, test, and maintain codes.
In your final semester, participate in a software development project working with external clients to gain real-world experience in the programming field.
Students also have the option to gain real-world experience through a paid co-operative education (co-op) work term (see Additional Information for more details). Please note that places in the co-op work term are subject to availability and academic eligibility. Please note admission to the co-op program does not guarantee a co-op placement.
Graduates may work in a variety of different fields, as almost all sectors of industry require programming and database skills. Fields may include:
private and public sectors
information services
service industry
human services
This program is well-suited for students who:
Enjoy and are adept at strategising solutions to problems.
Are life-long leaners as it is critical to meet the challenges presented by rapidly changing technology.
Enjoy working independently and with others as a member of a team.
Are organized in their work and pay attention to detail.