Fanshawe College

Public Safety Fundamentals - PSF1


With so many diverse possibilities available, it can be a challenge to choose which area of public safety is right for you. Fanshawe's Public Safety Fundamentals is a one-year Ontario College Certificate program designed to get you started on your academic journey. In order to assist in the identification of a particular field of Public Safety, this program offers a common first semester where you will explore the variety of opportunities in the field of safety and identify which specific area you wish to pursue. In the second semester you enter into one of three streams so you can focus your studies on the area of public safety you are interested in:Justice, Protection and Policing
What you learn in our public safety programYou will build strong skills in communication, human behaviour, law and ethics, physical fitness, and sensitivity training. You will develop knowledge in specific public safety disciplines, such as justice, protection, policing, law, fire inspection and fire safety education, to help prepare you for entry-level employment in public safety-related fields or for future studies in public safety career programs. The program also offers excellent preparation for diploma programs in the School of Public Safety:Police Foundations
Law Clerk
911 Public Safety Communications
Fire Inspection and Fire Safety Education

Program Duration:
30 weeks
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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