Fanshawe College

Business - Entrepreneurship and Management - BEM2W


We know that you see a world of limitless business potential. You see opportunity where others see barriers. You’re also realistic about your business dream. You know it will take support and guidance. You don’t have to do it alone. That’s what Fanshawe's two-year Ontario College Diploma Business – Entrepreneurship and Management program will do for you. Through our entrepreneurship and management courses, you'll leave the program with a comprehensive business plan, work-shopped with your peers and Professors. You'll also get information and guidance on conducting market research, feasibility studies, business plans, computer use, and advertising and marketing development. Your business dreams won’t become a reality inside a bubble. That’s why you’ll also partner with a business mentor whose coattails you’ll ride on your way to networking events, and when experiencing real business situations. Plus, you’ll be able to let your dreams dictate your course selections. Customize your business management certification and explore your own interests, choosing projects that excite you. Perhaps you want to join an established team upon graduation. Through our entrepreneurship courses, you will leave the program with hands-on knowledge of management principles, with courses in marketing strategies, and business ethics. Blazing your own business trail, or as part of a team, you need to take that first step. Are you ready?

PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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