The first of its kind in Canada, Fanshawe’s ergonomic training will provide you with opportunities to expand your fundamental understanding of the science of human-machine interactions and injury prevention through optimizing the design and workspaces of workplaces from manufacturing to healthcare.
Fanshawe’s advanced ergonomics training focuses on the concepts of human-centered design and the optimization of the workplace to prevent injuries. The program is led by seasoned professional ergonomists and classroom learning is reinforced with hands-on labs that utilize the diversity of workplaces at the Fanshawe campus and field placements that will put your analytical tools to the test. You’ll provide injury prevention and universal design recommendations using a variety of technologies and techniques including exoskeletons, wearables and virtual reality to evaluate and optimize worker and workspace interactions. There are many career opportunities in this growing field. Upon completion of the program, graduates may apply to the Canadian College for the Certification of Professional Ergonomists (CCCPE) for the designation of Associate Ergonomist. CCCPE is an international certification and has been recognized by the International Ergonomics Association. Find further information regarding certification by the CCCPE. Students will also have the opportunity to attend the Applied Ergonomics Conference. Hours of study required for designationStudents who intend to pursue the Associate Ergonomist designation from the Canadian College for the Certification of Professional Ergonomists are encouraged to complete the following hours of study in the disciplines listed below at a post-secondary institution:• Anatomy (45 hours)• Physiology (45 hours)• Biomechanics (45 hours)• Qualitative and Quantitative Design and Analysis (45 hours) Program timetable: The timetable includes afternoon and evening classes.