Fanshawe College

Electrical Techniques - ELT1


There’s nothing quite like working with your hands and seeing the real results of a good day’s work. If you’re looking to begin a career in the dynamic and in-demand world of an electrician, Fanshawe’s Electrical Techniques program will provide a solid foundation of skills. If you want to achieve your network cabling specialist certification or kickstart your electrical apprenticeship training, this course is for you.
You’ll begin the electrician program by familiarizing yourself with electrical fundamentals and theories. You’ll learn from a variety of courses, such as the fire alarm technician course, with takeaways including how to troubleshoot digital electronics and network cabling, installation practices, and industry communication. You’ll take these fundamentals into cutting-edge labs, where you’ll put your training to work.
You’ll graduate ready and able to work as an Industrial Electrician Apprentice, Construction and Maintenance Electrician Apprentice, Network Cabling Specialist, or Fire Alarm Technician. Even better, you can select between daytime delivery and weekend delivery (Friday nights, Saturday and Sunday) options to suit your lifestyle.
This program is offered at more than one campus for your convenience. Learn more about the programs and services of Fanshawe’s campuses in London and Clinton.

Program Duration:
30 weeks
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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