For the first time in Canadian history, there are more people over the age of 65, than under the age of 15*, which means careers working with seniors are in demand. Gerontology is the study of issues that are associating with aging. This graduate certificate program is designed to offer students the knowledge and skills needed while working with elderly clients in their professional practice. Students with previous experience in social work, recreation and leisure, occupational therapy, developmental disabilities and allied health, will develop expertise in the collaborative person-centred care of the aging person through advanced concepts such as geriatric mental health, cultural diversity, thanatology, therapeutic recreation and inclusive practice. Graduates often return to their original field of practice as essential assets within community organizations as they incorporate these new skills to better meet the needs of their clients. Students will also be provided a 200-hour, interprofessional field placement within a community organization, which includes the completion of a capstone project research paper and poster at the end of the year. This valuable experience prepares graduates for employment in a range of settings including senior centres, day and leisure programs, research and education services, retirement homes, long term care facilities, group homes and home support services. This graduate certificate program is designed to offer students the relevant knowledge and skills needed to enhance their professional practice in the care of the specialized population of aging adults. Students will have the opportunity to develop skills in recreation and leadership, developmental disabilities, mental health, thanatology, and social interventions that support quality of life and person-centred care. Participation in an interprofessional field placement and research with community organizations will further prepare graduates for employment in settings that support the aging person. * Statistics Canada, 2016.