Fanshawe College

Business - Marketing (Co-op) - BMK2


This business marketing co-op program covers customer analysis, segmentation and targeting; integrated marketing communications; pricing and distribution strategies; and product and service development and management. Experiential learning includes market research studies, advertising campaigns, sales and business plans, many providing opportunities to work with live clients. You’ll also learn to use current software, including presentation, spreadsheet, graphic design and publishing applications. Graduates who meet admission requirements are also eligible for transfer to the Business Administration - Marketing Advanced Diploma or the Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Digital Marketing) Degree. A fully online version of the business marketing program, full-time or part-time, is also available.This program is accredited by Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning Canada. This accreditation represents the highest standard of achievement for co-operative education programs in Canada, and recognizes Fanshawe's commitment to excellence.

Program Duration:
60 weeks
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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