Douglas College

Stagecraft and Event Technology


Get the hands-on, intensive training you need to succeed in the fast-paced entertainment industry. If you are creative and disciplined, enjoy technical challenges, and like to work as part of a team, the Diploma in Stagecraft and Event Technology (SET) is for you. This two-year program combines stagecraft classes and practical training in stage lighting, audio techniques, set painting, set design, computer-assisted drafting, stage management, stagecraft for film/tv and history of theatre. During the program, you'll be immersed in a dynamic, fast-paced, professional environment, with exposure to production pressures equal to those in the entertainment industry. Upon graduation, you may find work in traditional theatre, opera, film and TV, sales and service companies, cruise ships, concert touring, live events and festivals, museums and more.

British Columbia
Program Duration:
2 years
Work Integrated Learning:
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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