Douglas College


Associate Degree

Take the first step toward a career in oil and mineral exploration, environmental science, natural resources and more with Associate of Science Degree in Geology.Also known as Earth Science, Geology is the study of the history, materials and processes of our planet, including volcanic eruptions, landslides, earthquakes and floods. Geologists can help guide the safe and stable development of new structures and communities, and are able to locate minerals, natural gas, oil and other things that we use in our everyday lives. In this program, you’ll study the formation of soil; fossils and what they reveal; natural disasters; resource exploration and extraction and their environmental impacts; metals and gemstones, as well as some of today’s most pressing problems, including climate change, air and water pollution and loss of biodiversity.

British Columbia
Program Duration:
2 years
Work Integrated Learning:
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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