Douglas College


Associate Degree

Take the first step toward a career as a microbiologist, nature conservation officer, doctor, pharmacologist, marine biologist and more with an Associate of Science Degree in Biology.Biology is the study of life. It explores the diversity and similarities of living things and the interaction between them and their environments. If you’ve ever wondered how fingerprints are formed or why certain sounds – like nails dragged across a chalkboard – make your skin crawl, Biology has the answers.Biology is also linked to other sciences, such as Chemistry and Physics, as each depends on the other to create life. For example, Biology depends on Chemistry because living things depend on the interaction of atoms and molecules. Without Physics, space, matter, energy and time and living things could not exist on Earth.In this program, you’ll study human anatomy and physiology, general biology, microbiology, pathophysiology, marine biology, cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, ecology, zoology and evolution.

British Columbia
Program Duration:
2 years
Work Integrated Learning:
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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