British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)

Interior Design

Bachelor Degree

Note: The BCIT Bachelor of Interior Design is Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) Accredited!The goal of the Bachelor of Interior Design program is to develop graduates who combine research and critical thinking to generate creative solutions that support human behaviour within the interior environment.Students will work on studio projects that include healthcare environments, ageing in place, multi-use designs, and public spaces. Aspects of cultural histories, socioeconomics, human behaviour, sustainability and global citizenship will be explored and incorporated into their design solutions. Students will expand their knowledge of related fields through discussions with building specialists in electrical, carpentry, plumbing and HVAC trades. The program includes a field study component where students will explore a location of interest for 8 – 10 days as part of the program. In addition, students will take business and communications courses to develop skills in leadership, marketing and professional written and oral communication. Students will also choose several general education electives to complete their Bachelor Degree.Two additional options are available to students in this program: a co-op and an opportunity to study abroad for a term. These options have a limited number of openings, and interested students will need to go through an application process.

British Columbia
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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