British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)

Architectural Science

Bachelor Degree

Architectural Science is a bridge between design theory and building technology. The purpose of this degree program is to develop graduates with highly relevant knowledge and skills in a way that emphasizes holistic and critical thinking at the intersection between living systems, culture and technology, so that our students emerge as industry-ready participants in the real world of sustainable thinking and building.The Bachelor in Architectural Science is a full-time two-year program laddered onto a two-year architectural technology diploma (BCIT ABT or equivalent) delivering a broadly based, technically current curriculum on the theoretical and applied aspects of architectural science. The program methodology is to teach a ladder of critical thought, following a deliberate and evolving framework through progression, analysis and repetition to ingrain sustainable thinking, reinforced in every core course delivered.Students will work on studio projects of increasing scale and complexity culminating in the Graduating Project: a comprehensive building design merging architectural design and building performance, supported by expert industry consultants. Cultural history, material explorations, project management, building science and communication skills will be taught within the program and incorporated into holistic design solutions, integrating social responsibility with technical expertise. Students will take general education courses in Liberal Studies and Business and choose between several professional electives to complete their Bachelor Degree.The program integrates experiential learning activities, community outreach initiatives and international opportunities, including the option to study abroad for a term. These options may have a limited number of openings subject to an application process.

British Columbia
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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