30,765$ CAD
Wilfrid Laurier International College

Liberal Arts

The Faculty of Liberal Arts offers a wide range of programs, from traditional arts disciplines such as English and History to new and interdisciplinary fields of study such as User Experience Design. In all programs you’ll get both knowledge and know-how; all programs offer you opportunities to apply what you learn in the classroom to the real world.
A degree in Liberal Arts provides you with many opportunities to explore different fields while developing essential skills in critical thinking and communication. Additionally, you’ll gain a greater understanding of the world around you – and how you can positively influence it.

Program transfer options include:
User Experience Design (BDes)
Faculty of Liberal Arts (Honours BA)

Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford campus
Program Duration:
3 terms
PGWP Eligibility:
Start Dates:
January, May, September
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