30,765$ CAD
Wilfrid Laurier International College

Business and Economics

From day one, Lazaridis School students learn to work in teams tackling real-world problems that exist now. The co-op business degree is Canada’s largest to immerse students in the kinds of environments they’ll experience when they graduate.
All of this is about teaching Lazaridis School students to think for themselves, so they’ll be able to adapt to a world of ever-growing complexity, facing problems nobody has ever solved before.
The Lazaridis School operates the largest business degree co-op program in the country. Students are encouraged to explore different career options and gain valuable employment experience before they graduate. The employment rate for the Economic (BA) program in 2020 was 100%.

Program transfer options include:
Business Technology Management (Honours BBTM) (Fall progression only)
Economics (Honours BA)
Economics and Accounting (Honours BA)
Economics and Financial Management (Honours BA)
Economics in Combination with another Honours BA Program

Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford campus
Program Duration:
3 terms
PGWP Eligibility:
Start Dates:
January, May, September
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