British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)

Business Operations Management


Modern Business Operations Management encompasses a number of knowledge areas. The base of the operations function is supply chain management, specifically purchasing, process management, and quality management to maximize productivity. This is supported by digital business strategies such as ERP, business analytics, and various emerging technologies; as well as continuous improvement skills such as project management, process design and improvement, and change management to ensure the business can respond to evolving customer demands. These business management and transformation activities form a body of knowledge that is integral to business success.In the BCIT Business Operations Management diploma program, you’ll learn how to manage, evaluate, and improve these critical functions. You will acquire a highly transportable set of skills applicable to a variety of organizations. A strong connection to industry allows you to apply those skills to real world situations, preparing you for success.

British Columbia
Program Duration:
2 Years
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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