Algonquin College

Web Development and Internet Applications


Pursue a career in the evolving world of web software application creation.
The two-year Internet Applications and Web Development Ontario College Diploma program prepares you to pursue a variety of different careers in the internet applications and web development industry.
This program is designed to teach you:

internet technologies
full stack web development
the analysis, design and implementation of internet applications
Use modern computing facilities with a variety of software offered to help you during the program. The department is sponsored by Microsoft Developer`s Network Academic Alliance and through other vendor agreements, which gives you access to the most up-to-date technology.
During the program, you study a number of topics relevant to the field. You learn full stack web development, database programming and internetworking in a TCP/IP environment.
Additional topics include:

client-side and server-side scripting
programming languages
systems and network security
In your last semester, you apply what you have learned throughout the program as a member of a team working on a multi-tiered internet application.
Students also have the option to gain real-world experience through a paid co-operative education (co-op) work term (see Additional Information for more details). Please note that places in the co-op work term are subject to availability and academic eligibility. Please note admission to the co-op program does not guarantee a co-op placement.
This program is designed to help you begin your career as:

a full stack web developer
a web administrator
an internet application developer
a web application architect
a web programmer
This program is well-suited for students who:

Have good problem-solving and analytical skills.
Enjoy solving logic puzzles
Are inquisitive and well-organized.
Enjoy working with computers.
Have an appreciation for the usefulness of the Internet
Can work effectively in a teamwork environment.

Program Duration:
2 Years
Work Integrated Learning:
English Requirement:
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