Algonquin College


Graduate Certificate

Help build the future of enhanced supports and rights for victims of crime.
The one-year Victimology Ontario College Graduate Certificate program prepares you for work in a variety of fields, providing services to victims of crime. This one-year program provides specialized knowledge and skills in victimology and in the provision of victim services. You also explore the history and theories of victimization, with applied victim-centred focus.
Combining theoretical and applied learning, it includes a field placement of more than 140 hours. It is in this setting where you learn about victims` issues and perspectives first-hand from experts in the field.
Practicum options include:

victim crisis units
police services
victim advocacy centres
Indigenous healing centres
government agencies
womens shelters community action groups Overall, you develop knowledge of crisis response, sudden and traumatic loss, and victim populations. Learn about crime and its effects on victims in the criminal justice system. In your practicum, you integrate theory with practice and contribute to victim service initiatives within your community. The Victimology program offers you the means to pursue a unique career. This program is the first graduate certificate program offered by a Canadian college specializing in victimology. More than just theory, this program puts you in the field, allowing you to learn how to look at issues from the victims perspective.
You may find work in a wide variety of fields helping victims of crime. Work opportunities may exist in:

social services
child protection
crisis response
the criminal justice system, and
in other areas related to victimization
This program is well-suited to students who:

Are committed to developing specialized knowledge and skills related to victimology and victim services.
Possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Work successfully in a team environment.
Thrive in challenging work settings and are able to work effectively under stressful situations.
Are advocates of victim rights.

Program Duration:
1 Year
Work Integrated Learning:
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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