Algonquin College

Massage Therapy

Advanced Diploma

Putting knowledge and skills into your own hands.
The Massage Therapy Ontario College Advanced Diploma program provides you with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes required of the profession.
Graduates from this program are able to use their judgement to provide safe, competent and ethical care as entry-to-practice massage therapists.
In choosing this program, you learn about anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, professional communication, ethics, jurisprudence in healthcare, massage theory and massage practice skills.
Throughout the program you paticipate in lab excerises, practicing on your classmates, to learn how to:

Conduct a clinical assessment
Formulate a comprehensive clinical impression.
Create a client-centred treatment plan.
Provide and receive safe and ethical massage therapy care
Part of your learning experience also includes working with clients in supervised clinics on campus and in community placement settings.
Graduates of this program are ready to take the next steps in starting their career. In order to practice as a Massage Therapist in Ontario, you must register with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO). The registration process requires successful completion of professional certification examinations.
Massage Therapists build successful practices in a variety of settings, including:

private practice
mobile practice
chiropractic and/or physiotherapy offices
healthcare organizations
fitness centres
athletic organizations
hotels, resorts, spas
This program is well-suited for students who:

Enjoy solving problems and challenging their mind.
Want to make a difference in peoples` lives through nurturing touch.
Value compassion and respect when communicating with others.
Like to work with their hands and are physically fit.

Program Duration:
3 Years
Work Integrated Learning:
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
Winter 2023:
Fall 2023:
Spring 2023:
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