Algonquin College



Turn your curiosity into a career as a factual storyteller who serves our communities.
The two-year Journalism Ontario College Diploma program equips you with the versatile creative and technical skills you need to report and research accurate stories for readers, listeners and viewers. Alongside experienced, industry-connected faculty, you develop the core journalistic skills required to report on your areas of interest. These may include people, current affairs or specialized sectors like sports, the environment, social justice, entertainment or gaming.
As a student, you become a staff member with the Algonquin Times, our award-winning campus newspaper, and Glue magazine, our Ottawa-wide student publication. Here, you develop hands-on skills:

finding and pitching story ideas
using research strategies
seeking and locating diverse, knowledgeable sources
taking photos
shooting video
recording and editing audio
using analytics
producing social media content
working with content management systems
understanding media ethics and law
In the first level of the program, you study alongside Broadcasting - Television and Broadcasting - Radio students, building a strong foundation in transferable media skills while exploring these related fields. In the second year, you will have the opportunity to choose a specialty elective course that aligns with your media interests. In this program, you are given the opportunity to work on interprofessional teams with other media programs. You also put theory to work through collaborations with real-world media partners. In the final term of the program, you take part in a six-week field placement with a media or communications host.
Journalism skills are in demand and portable to many different career options after graduation. Graduates may find work in government, private-sector or not-for-profit sectors. You may find employment in the following environments:

community news outlets
radio or television newsrooms
social media departments or businesses
communications departments or businesses
specialty content outlets
visual storytelling teams
podcasting production outlets
research departments
Opportunities may also exist for you to work as a freelancer or to start your own independent news outlet or brand.
This program is well-suited for students who:

Are keen to serve the community through fair and accurate storytelling.
Are willing to learn to interact with a wide variety of people.
Possess a keen curiosity about news happening locally, nationally and globally.
Have solid writing and listening skills.
Enjoy reading and following news and current events.

Program Duration:
2 Years
Work Integrated Learning:
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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