Using modern and traditional techniques, develop your creative talent for a career in residential and small scale commercial interiors.
The two-year Interior Decorating Ontario College Diploma program develops your creativity and artistic flair in residential and small scale commercial interiors. Recognized by the Decorators and Designers Association of Canada (DDA) and the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA), this program prepares you with the essential design and client relations skills needed to succeed as an Interior Decorator.
Develop your creativity through hands-on projects using modern digital techniques as well as traditional skills. Create appealing atmospheres, discover current trends, choose effective colour palettes, understand complex kitchen and bath design, and manipulate elements such as furnishings, finishes and lighting. Work with individuals and/or businesses to improve residential and commercial spaces to enhance the users` experience.
The program provides an opportunity for you expand your real-world experience through competition and real community projects . Moreover, you are able to gain valuable industry experience and contacts as well as apply your skills during your field placement during your final semester.
There are many career opportunities in the industry after graduation. Graduates may find employment as a:
residential or commercial decorator
kitchen and bath designer
new home/design center decorator
staging and colour consultant
window treatment specialist
sales/product representative
window display and merchandising consultant for retail spaces or photo shoots
This program is well-suited for students who:
Are imaginative and enjoy solving problems.
Think visually and creatively.
Are planners and enjoy putting plans into action.
Possess good communication skills.
Are comfortable with technological expression.
Are committed to work 40 to 60 hours per week (including class time).