Algonquin College

Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Centred Design

Graduate Certificate

Research human behaviour and design meaningful experiences in our industry-focused postgraduate certificate with co-op option.
This Ontario College Graduate Certificate program prepares students for a career in design research and strategy. Professionals in this field examine the intersection of ethnographic research, experience design, merging technology, and business requirements to create evidence-based strategies that direct the development of products, policies, systems and services. Working directly with businesses, governments and not-for-profit organizations, students examine complex human-centred problems. Real-world projects leverage design theory, research methods, and participatory design activities to define a problem space and model proposed interventions.
Students also have the option to gain real-world experience through a paid co-operative education (co-op) work term (see Additional Information for more details). Please note that places in the co-op work term are subject to availability and academic eligibility. Please note admission to the co-op program does not guarantee a co-op placement.
Graduates may find employment in a wide range of sectors including:

media and design
financial services and banking
healthcare and medical services
engineering and technology services
computer software development; business and professional services
human resources and organizational development
government, public sector and not-for-profit organizations.
This program is well-suited for students who:

Like the challenge of untangling complex problems.
Enjoy trying new things and are not afraid to learn from failure.
Possess excellent interpersonal and human relations skills.
Value and respect the ideas, perspectives and expertise of others.
Have a keen attention to detail and process.

Program Duration:
1 Year
Work Integrated Learning:
PGWP Eligibility:
English Requirement:
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